Monday, October 26, 2009

Inspirational Green Blogger

There are so many people out there that love the same things as we, Lu-n-Am, do. And I am loving reading fellow green-living pursuer Pure Green Design's blog. She writes about daily musings, beautiful, sustainable design, DIY projects, living a eco-friendly life, and opening and running her own eco living store, called Sustain. I think she just may be my inspiration/guide to opening my own eco-friendly store. If she can open her own store at the age of 27 then can't I do it, too, in 2 1/2 years? :)


Sunday, October 25, 2009

DIY Wall Art

Hello Lu n' Am,

It's been a long time since I've visited you for a new post. I'm not even going to start with the excuses, lets just get to the post.

Martha Stewart of France has done it again.
Latest Project: Paint Samples on String inspired by boutique in downtown Knoxville:

-Cut little squares of colors (paint samples are perfect for this)
-Sew them onto a string,
-Hang them on from your ceiling or make a whole row of them.

Am and I have one of these fabulous decoration pieces hanging in our homes. I have zero sewing skills, but mom said this takes very little skills just patience, and the results are lovely!

and now I have a headboard for my bed. :)
Thanks mom!


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Congrats to Lu & Mitch!

A huge congratulations goes out to Lu & her beau, excuse me - fiance!

The little Lu has gotten engaged to her boyfriend Mitchell Trueblood! So let's all give lots of cheers to the sweet couple!

Congrats! I love you two!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


This week's featured Green Organization is the Western North Carolina Alliance (WNCA). I was invited by a friend who volunteers there to go to a "food & presentation" event presented by the alliance last week, and I found the presentation to be very informative and the food delicious.

WNCA is a grassroots environmental organization that "empowers citizens to be advocates for livable communities and the natural environment of Western North Carolina." Their three main goals are "leading citizen advocacy on growth management; involving citizens in public lands protection; and protecting the region’s water supply."


Monday, October 5, 2009

Preserve Toothbrush

I'm not sure if we've posted this before, but I was so excited about this purchase so I had to write about it! I just bought two Preserve Toothbrushes at Greenlife. If you haven't heard of them before, these toothbrushes are 100% made from recycled #5 plastics. One hundred percent! Exciting and awesome, no? Yes! Check them out, they really don't cost any more than regular name brand toothbrushes.

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