Hey guys and gals! It's Earth Day! So go outside, play in the sun, jump in a lake, plant a tree, smile with the sun! Go celebrate this wonderful planet we're living on and show it some love!
Hey guys and gals! It's Earth Day! So go outside, play in the sun, jump in a lake, plant a tree, smile with the sun! Go celebrate this wonderful planet we're living on and show it some love!
Welcome, or, Bienvenue! In this, our newest and first joint blog, we, Lu 'n Am, have come together to muse about just what our title says: affordable, sustainable, creative, living. We're both still in our early twenties, and we feel that we have good angles on our combined topics. Lu n' Am hope to share with all their potential readers and non-readers all their findings & musings in all things related to being & living affordable, sustainable, creative people & lives.