Thanksgiving is right around the corner. This means lots of good food! But unfortunately lots of trash & waste.
A Few Tips to make this Holiday a little more green for our lovely planet.
1. We all have to go shopping for this holiday. Whether we are going to buy the ingredients to cook up an entire meal, or we are going to buy a pumpkin pie, or a little candle as a gift for our hostess...we're going. So don't forget to bring your reusable shopping bags, can you imagine all the extra plastic bags that are going to be used on Thanksgiving day! don't use them! plastic bags= no good
Facts on the Evils of Plastic Shopping Bags (Green Sangha)
2. There are always leftovers on Thanksgiving. always. avoid buying paper/plastic plates, paper napkins, aluminum foil to wrap those leftovers. Use reusable containers. We save everything at my house, the butter is empty (save the butter container, wash it and reuse it). So when you are cooking up a storm, save all those empty containers and reuse them to store your leftovers! and if you wanna be extra prepared, start saving all those containers now. make it a habit
(Leftovers- Planet Green)(
Eco-Friendly Food Containers-Pristine Planet)
3. Buy and eat locally grown food. support your community...more fresh, (sadly often times more expensive), better for your health, but you gotta support your local economy...especially these days.
How does eating locally help your environment? About.com)
4. If you can stay home. do it. I am going to Iowa......so.....I am breaking this rule. we all travel on thanksgiving. let's face it. but be smart. ride a bike, carpool....bus......check your tires. etc
5. Invite those who are less fortunate...or simply have no family close by. My family and I didn't celebrate thanksgiving, because...we're French. but we always get invited every year, and we loooove it. We've now adopted this wonderful holiday, and have celebrated thanksgiving at our house many years.
6. Don't be trapped by the ridiculous amount of Thanksgiving commercialism. Decorations... make them, be creative this thanksgiving. Trust me, this will impress your family and guests a lot more.
(Martha always has great

ReduceYourFootprint has a wonderful post on creative ways of decorating for the holiday.
7. i'm about to get sappy on you.... (drum roll)
say thank you and i love you to your family & friends. be thankful for what you have...do it. really.
if you have any tips you wanna share...comment away! and happy thanksgiving!
- Also if you want to feel really good, find your local charities and organizations and see what you can do to make Thanksgiving available for those are are not so fortunate. Donate some blankets, donate a can of green beans, volunteer...