This is made possible by an international shipping company called First Global Xpress (FGX)

I received an e-mail from one of our readers (thank you Corinne! :) informing me about FGX. And sure enough this company is very post worthy.
Their promise to you:
your delivery will...
-arrive 24 hrs sooner
-cost 20% less
- use 30% fewer carbon emissions than the big shipping competitors we use and know.
Sounds like a good deal to me.
How do they do it?
FGX partners with commercial airlines that serve as 3rd party carriers and transport your package in one direct flight, eliminating extra travel and carbon emissions.
Theres even a carbon calculator on their website, an they have an official FGX ship greener blog.

Corinne had a wonderful experience with them...if you have used First Global Xpress, let us know about your experience with them~ :)
Christmas will be here before we know it...there will be plenty of shipping going you may want to check out their website before using another shipping giant. (New Clients at FGX)
Extra Articles on FGX
-FGX Website
-Daily News
-Yahoo Green
Oh I have to check this right now! Thanks so much for visiting my little blog and for your beautiful comments. Have a wonderful weekend, Lu! xo
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