Sunday, December 21, 2008

a green book

I'm excited to write about this new discovery of mine. It comes via my first present of this holiday season. I received, from one of my best friends, a book called Green Chic, by Christi Matheson.

I've read only about the first 50 pages of this seemingly-short read. And so far it's very concise in its descriptions and details. I like how she talks not only about how to be green (and chic) but also why you should be green and how it actually helps the environment. This is good because it's often hard to find all in one book. Some books talk about how to help the environment, some talk about why you should be green, while other just talk about our environment's problems. This one - covers it all (from what I can tell so far!).

As a recipient of this book, I can recommend it wholeheartedly as a present to anyone this holiday season!


Kimberly said...

Too funny...I received this book for my birthday (Christmas Eve). I look forward to reading and discussing! :)

Ambie said...

haha! that is great. we'll have to get together and talk about it!

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