Wednesday, January 7, 2009

the little things

As our Christmas festivities come to a close, I would like to muse over the little green things that were implemented into my holiday celebration this year. All of these I am very happy about and am so thrilled to have been able to implement them so easily.

Wrapping paper/products-I used some old paper my mother gave me last year to wrap my presents. I then took construction paper and decorated the packages. I also printed super cute tags and stuck those on.

Decorations-I actually created some decorations this year and with a little help from some tuturials I flew right along making cute snow-like flakes, which I hung from my ceiling. These decorations we so simple, even my boyfriend made some with ease and enthusiasm. And of course, when I visited Lu and her lovely mom (La Martha Stewart of France) I saw how the love of handmade decorations had filled their home. There were snowflakes hanging from ceilings, little handmade trees with our names on them and candy cane stands.

(Bag by Lucienne.)

(Tea box by Lucienne, aussi.)

Gifts-Oh man, how I love handmade/homemade gifts, and did I ever hit the handmade jackpot this year! Our very own Martha Stewart of France made me and the beau a beaucoup of gifts! I received a friggin gorgeous bag (one of the many Madame Stewart has been making this season), a jewelry box, and a tea box. All handmade! And from the Lu I got, of course, my favorite thing to get from an artist, a painting! I had raved about this Nancy Drew idea for a painting that she had mentioned and, well, lucky me, I got me a Nancy Drew collaged painting! Score one for the home team.

Next year, or rather this year, I hope to make even more green and sustainable additions to my holiday celebrations.



Kimberly said...

Hiya Am! Hope your holidays were bright! Did Lucie tell you about the soaps that Fiona and I made for everyone for Christmas? If you send me your address, I would love to send you a belated care package. :)

I am so deeply jealous you got a lovely Lucienne bag. My Aunt Shirley was carrying hers and I saw green (how fitting!) when I saw it. I MUST tell Lucie to bribe her Mum to make me one.

Take care and hope to see you soon!
xx Gros Bisous and Cheers, Kimberly

Lu. Lu. said...

the soaps that Kimberly and Fiona made are wonderful and they smell delicious. Marcus even tricked us in thinking it was homemade candy! you'd better give her your address, you'll want some of that lovely soap.

Kimberly, I have bribed my mom for another bag ;) I'll see you soon!

P.S. I have no internet at home, but once i get it I will be sure to update Lu-n-Am more frequently. ah...excuses excuses....


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