I am chuffed to have been asked to be a regular contributor to the blog dedicated to living an affordable, sustainable, green lifestyle. As I said in my personal blog, I am not sure how I can add to this incredible site. However, I will do my best to live up to the high standards these fine women have created.
Since I am the "new kid on the block", I thought I'd briefly introduce myself...
Unlike the beautifully youthful Lu 'n Am, I am a thirty-something mother of two. My interest in helping the environment was born in the early 1990s when one of my closet friends was obtaining her Environmental Studies degree. She would share information with me about the state of our fragile planet. As they say, "knowledge is power" and once I was faced with the facts, I couldn't help but act and act I did. I reused all those worthless flyers as notebook paper, I cleaned up nature trails, I participated in protests - you name it!
As I entered adulthood and departed from the safe cocoon of university life, I saw that living green was a bit harder. During those darker years, I admit I wasn't always so "green". Now as I have entered the latest stage of my life, motherhood, I have rededicated myself to protecting the planet and reducing my family's footprint.
So I do what I can. I am not perfect and am probably, at times, a bit hypocritical but I do try. I haven't become cynical in my "old age" - I still believe that one person can make a difference. When I discover something, I share it. I hope you find it helpful!
That's me in a nutshell but before I sign off on my first post, I thought I would leave you with this little nugget. It's a film that I can not wait to get my hands on... Fields of Fuel. Fields of Fuel was this year's audience award winner at the Sundance Film Festival. This documentary follows one man's quest (Josh Tickell) to change the world over to alternative energy sources. (Think of it as An Inconvenient Truth for the petrol guzzling world!)
The film was originally scheduled for a May US release but has yet to make its way to mainstream audiences. While we wait on its release, check out Jost Tickell's two books on the subject entitled Biodiesel America: How to Achieve Energy Security, Free America from Middle-east Oil Dependence And Make Money Growing Fuel and From the Fryer to the Fuel Tank: The Complete Guide to Using Vegetable Oil as an Alternative Fuel. In the meantime, enjoy this trailer.
Cheers, Kimberly
I look forward to watching it as well, when does it come out on DVD, or is it still in the movies? I couldn't find that information on the site. thanks for the link though, "partner". ;)
Hi Kimberley, just wanted to wish you a warm welcome! I always enjoy reading Lu-n-am blog! Looking forward to reading you contributions as well now!
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