Tuesday, November 18, 2008

something pretty, something green

Today's pretty, green site is One Pretty Thing, and, trust me, it's got a lot more than just one pretty thing on it.

One Pretty Thing is packed full of how-to's, pretty pictures and snazzy captions. It's a total inspiration to anyone wanting to craft something new, whether it's just to look at or to use it. This blog is pretty much a compilation of the best crafty and artsy projects our there in this world of ours. It's the best. I spent over an hour just drooling over & dreaming about the the blog's "Daily DIY" section.

I command each & every one you: go to it. :) It's the best. It's pretty. It's green. It's DIY. It's everything we love around here.


Rachel@oneprettything.com said...

Aww, thanks SO much for featuring me! This totally makes my day!!!

lu-n-am said...

No! Thank you for visiting our site and for having such an inspiring site yourself. We LOVE it! :)

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