Thursday, June 18, 2009


I received a Solio solar charger just a few weeks ago...and I was so excited - it was like it was Christmas all over again! I had first discovered these solar charges months ago, but I a little while ago I got the opportunity to get one - for free! And so I jumped for it!

Name: Solio
Function: To charge your electronics via the sun! After the device has spent some time hanging out in the sun, all you have to do is plug it in to your electronic device (cell phone, MP3 player, GPS, PDA, digital camera or portable game system) and it watch it charge! It's quite small and very light weight, so it's something you can take anywhere you go, making it oh-so-super-handy. (P.S. it's so cool even the president uses it!) Despite me receiving this for free, I think it would be worth the investment to save the energy you normally use charging the seemingly neverending stash of tiny electionics.

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