Friday, October 17, 2008

lu's art show!

Today is the day! And what a day it is. Today is our little Lu's first art show! And we are all so proud of her. That's why we insisted on taking out this time today to write about our lovely Lu and all of her green accomplishments!

(A sampling of Lu's art work from her first show at Gallery 1010 in Knoxville.)

Since we've started the blog, the lovely Lu has:
-Thrown out of h
er toxic beauty products & replaced them with healthy, safe, green beauty products.
-Made, with the help of La Martha Stewart de France, many handmade journals & notebooks.
-Purchased thrift items and turned them into beautiful pieces of furniture.
-Discovered new ways to turn old things into pretty storage items.
-Left a vacation spot cleaner, greener and healthier than it was before she arrived.
-Created handmade shopping bags to replace the use of nasty plastic bags.
-Found new & exciting ways to use cardboard in our daily lives.

So three big cheers for Lu! Hip-hip-hooray! Hip-hip-hooray! Hip-hip-hooray!
Love you much, Lu!


Unknown said...

Congrats to Lu on her art show ... how did it go? Loved the piece of Lady Liberty ... can you say "Super Size". :)

Congrats on all the green changes you've made, too! You are an inspiration!

Take Care!
Small Footprints

M. Bail said...

I LOVED the Lady Liberty piece. Just awesome...and profound.

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