Bread is... "green" - (according to this)- It provides more food energy than any other type of food compared to the resources required to produce and deliver it to the consumer. But.... it is even more delicious and environmentally friendly...if you make it yourself. So save yourself a trip to the grocery store, a few dollars a week (it all adds up quickly), and impress your family & friends with this scrumptious recipe.
Introducing: "A Lesson on Bread with La Martha Stewart de France" because yes...i guarantee the real Martha does not make bread THIS good. ; )
Believe me this bread is sexy, it's tasty, and it's easy to make...
1. Bread Flour (4 cup 1/4 )
2. Salt (1 tsp 1/2 )
3. Yeast (1 tsp 1/4 )
4. Sugar ( 1 tsp)
5. Water (1 cup 1/2)
-Gather dough into a ball and place in center of mixing bowl. Place a cloth over the bowl and let it sit for a good 20-30 minutes. *if it's hot outside, use this to your advantage and place bowl on table outside. The dough will rise quickly!
-Once it's risen, start kneading! The video bellow is a good example of how to knead bread...once you've finished the kneading and shaped your bread (you can braid it *like the one pictured above*, cover it and let it sit another 10-15 minutes.
-Meanwhile...Preheat oven to 425 degrees F
- For the golden look..."paint" the top layer of your bread with water.
- You can add seeds/seasoning on top if you want. (Lucienne likes the poppy seeds & sesame)
-Bake bread for 25 minutes, and you're finished!
Hope you like!
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