Today I went with Lu's brother, my bf, to this great local restaurant. And do I ever mean local: it's right across from our house!
Nine Mile is a "cozy casual full-service vegetarian-friendly restaurant and bar nestled in the heart of Historic Montford (Asheville, NC)." They serve Caribbean-inspired pasta dishes that are loaded with local and organic ingrediants. They also serve often-local and often-organic beers & locally-made yummy desserts (like the chocolate spliff cake!).
The restaurant also has mellow staff and is owned by some lovely young Ashevillians. They have a Marley, as in Bob Marley, themed vibe to the place, as well. They play reggae music and, today, had on the EuroCup up on the ole' television. While there, we also both had a great local AND organic beer: the Pisgah Endless Summer.

I just wanted to let all in on this little experience. It's wonderful to eat at a local restaurant that is deeply involved in their community and that serves great local, organic food! I encourage all who can to do the same and search out and support their local joints!
Oh, and p.s., everyone should congratulate Lu a Happy Birthday! She's turning the big 21! Finally! It seems like she's been 21 for a long time already! Now, she can legally join me & her bro in enjoying the local, organic brews...:)
Oh, and p.s., everyone should congratulate Lu a Happy Birthday! She's turning the big 21! Finally! It seems like she's been 21 for a long time already! Now, she can legally join me & her bro in enjoying the local, organic brews...:)
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